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Michael Roche

Hey, I'm Michael Roche

The Creative Mind behind Innovative Solutions.
Unleashing the Power of Code

About Me Here you will find more information about me, what I do, and my current skills mostly in terms of programming and technology

Get to know me!

Michael Roche a.k.a. Migero: Software Developer and Freelance Photographer. I build high-quality websites and applications that are both engaging and user-friendly.

I'm proficient in quite a number of languages and technologies and have a proven track record of delivering high-quality results on time and within budget.
I'm also a freelance photographer, so I can help you create stunning visuals to accompany your software.

I'm open to Job opportunities where I can contribute, learn and grow. If you have a good opportunity that matches my skills and experience then don't hesitate to contact me here.


My Skills

Contact Feel free to Contact me by submitting the form below and I will get back to you as soon as possible.